This will be a very difficult movie to review. This movie united the world under one flag. People left their prejudice at the door and watched this film united! It changed an entire generation’s world view, and helped to end world hunger! I am of course talking about Power Rangers: The Movie! Ok…maybe I exaggerated a little bit, but my point still stands! What’s my point exactly? That Power Rangers rock and Kimberly is hot.
Before I begin the review, I have to admit that this movie is a huge guilty pleasure for me. Sure, it sucks when looked at with any standards whatsoever, but I was a huge Power Rangers fan when it first came out.
The basic plot is that an ancient evil named Ivan Ooze has been unleashed and the Power Rangers have to stop him. It’s the basic stuff…nothing special here.
To be perfectly honest, the acting isn’t that bad when you think about it. It’s full of corny one liners and cheesy dialogue sure…but that was one of the highlights of the show. There are a few cast changes. Instead of an Asian yellow ranger and an African American black ranger, we now have the opposite. The creators realized that racism wasn’t in at the time. British actor Paul Freeman plays the villain, Ivan Ooze, and while he is a terrible villain/actor, he’s just so over the top and cliché that it’s impossible not to love him. Bulk and Skull, the two bullies, are back in the movie but their roles are so small that it’s hard to talk about them.
The music is surprisingly not bad. It’s hard not to hate the main Power Rangers theme. If you do, you should be ashamed! The movie has an orchestral theme that is pretty good, considering that it’s Power Rangers and 1995. Not much more I can say here.
Now onto the meat of why everyone watched this show; the action. Kimberly comes in at a very close second. It’s a very well choreographed movie. Sure some of the stunts are over the top, but it’s just good cheesy fun. You can clearly tell that they’re using wires, but that just adds to the charm in my opinion. You really can’t go wrong with over the top karate.
Now comes the part where I give a recommendation. Since it’s a guilty pleasure of mine, I do recommend it. It’s nostalgic, has Kimberly, and it’s just a fun movie overall. If you have a bunch of friends over, stick this movie in and you’ll have a great time.